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450 Pubished Military DiplomaRoman Military Diploma On-Line

  • Introduction
  • Quick Guide to Example Diplomas by Emperor, Province, Italian Units
  • List of Our Publications
  • Small Fragment Depository
  • Diplomas by Emperors
  • Diplomas by Provinces
  • Diplomas for Italian Units
  • Small Diploma Fragments
  • Modern Fakes
  • Links
  • List of Scan Donors
  • Importance of Roman Military Diplomas (Diplomata) for the Historian and Mission of this Web Project

    Especially auxiliary diplomas are major sources for our knowledge of the distribution of the roman auxiliary forces and the origin and names of their soldiers over the centuries. Findplaces of fragments tell us where the soldiers spent their retirement time. The names of the governors, consules, and commanders on diplomas are major sources to map career paths of individuals of the roman senatorial class and the equites (knights). Information on diplomas is especially useful, as it can be dated to the exact day. Most other major sources of such information, e.g. inscriptions on marble tombstones and donative monuments are in contrast not dated.

    Roman Military Diploma On-line is a project active since 2001 to make collectors aware of the importance of publishing these documents.
    Mail us if you need support in identifying details of a military diploma you may have in your collection. We are publishing military diplomata in major scientific journals and appreciate very much new material from private collections for this purpose. You can be named as donor, or you can remain anonymous, whichever you prefer. Contact us at  (please leave out the blank between our name and the @, this is to discourage spam robots)

    All we need are clear fotos of both sides (either high resolution scan or real foto), weight (in g), height and width, thickness, height of letters (in mm).

    Even small fragments can help to bring Archeology forward ! We have a large database of all known fragments. More than 1200 diplomas are known to us so far,  and we can match yours to known pieces, thus getting important information even out of minor pieces.

    This website is purely non-commercial. We do not capture any personal data / do not set cookies. Please note that an anonymous assessment of visitor info such as e.g. search key words and country of origin is made through We hope you enjoy the visit and find the free information you need. We always look forward to feedback and suggestions to further improve the service.. Our Email is at ur email iiploma,  Roman Military Diploma, Diplomas, Diplomata